Great Green Business Crusade: Tourist agencies will carry out a day of tree planting in the province of Urubamba

15 de December de 2023

The companies Illapa Culturas Andinas, Tierra de los Andes and Illapa Transportes Turísticos, in coordination with the Provincial Municipality of Urubamba, will be planting trees this September 30th as a symbolic act of environmental protection, as part of the Great Green Crusade business campaign.

This participation will be carried out in conjunction with all the personnel of these companies in the planting of a hundred plants native to the area, a task that is being carried out in conjunction with the municipal body of Urubamba.

The activity is led by the tourism company Illapa Culturas Andinas, together with the tourism agency Tierra de los Andes, who also participated in the planting of native trees in the district of Machu Picchu, a task that helps to tackle deforestation due to climate change.

It is worth mentioning that from 2001 to 2022, Cusco lost 14.3 kha of tree cover due to fires and 101 kha due to other loss factors such as climate change, which is why it is vital to work on caring for our forests by joining the Gran Cruzada Verde forestry education campaign.

Join this great environmental education and information campaign "GREAT GREEN CRUSADE" - ENTREPRENEURIAL. Register your company here, you have until September 26th to be part of this great action with the planet.

illapa 2 - Gran Cruzada Verde Empresarial: Agencias de turismo realizarán una jornada de arborización en la provincia de Urubamba
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