Illapa Culturas Andinas, reaffirms its commitment to be part of the "Program of segregation and selective collection of solid waste from the municipality of Wanchaq" in addition to developing a Solid Waste Management Plan.

The two situations mentioned above show the need to promote strategies to reduce the generation of solid waste, for this reason and in order to carry out an adequate solid waste management; ILLAPA CULTURAS ANDINAS reaffirmed its commitment to be part of the "Program of segregation and selective collection of solid waste from the municipality of Wanchaq" in addition to developing a Solid Waste Management Plan.

The objective is to develop an integrated model for the reuse of usable solid waste in the recycling production chain, making the population aware of the importance of recycling in relation to the reduction of environmental pollution.

Currently the company Illapa Culturas Andinas Inversiones S.R.L. has garbage cans for solid waste that are located in each environment of the offices these are differentiated by color according to the type of waste that is discarded, also have containers that are also differentiated by color according to the type of waste that is discarded to be used for the total collection of all waste generated. Once the containers have a considerable amount of waste, we call the district municipality of Wanchaq, with which we have an agreement for the correct disposal of the waste produced.

With all these actions our company Illapa Culturas Andinas reaffirms and demonstrates its great participation in the aspects of Environmental Responsibility, as well as Social Responsibility.

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